Saturday, August 23, 2014

Last meal and heading home!

C4 youth dreamcenter team celebration

Please Join us this Sunday at 12 noon to welcome the team home.  It will be at the aritas home.  Please let me know of you have any questions.

Encourage These Young Men In Their Walk With Jesus

As we wind down from this mission trip, I can tell you that all the boys did great.  This week they truly had an encounter with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...amazing worship/prayer, being His hands and feet to those in need, serving at the DC, time in the word journaling, and experiencing being a part of a biblical community.  They truly were a small group navy seals team that focused on glorifying God and building each other up.

I have no doubt that this spiritual encounter with Jesus will be something that will deepened their relationship with can see that in their testimonies.  However, we all know life change takes time...I want to humbly ask that we as a family encourage these young men in their walk with Jesus.  It took a lot of courage for them to be transparent and vulnerable in their testimonies...we don't want to ever use it against them.

The best ways we can encourage them is to:
1.  Continue to pray for them every day.
2.  Personally focus inward on your own walk with God.  Ask them for forgiveness, be open about your own weaknesses, share with them if you need prayer
3.  Discipline in LOVE and extend grace as the Holy Spirit leads.  Use your words to build up NOT to tear down.
4.  Encourage them to get involved with Iolani FCA with Dom and C4 Collide.  Getting involved by serving and being a contributor not just an attender.

This is how the Lord is personally challenging me and I wanted to also share this word with each of you.  Grateful for your prayers and support.  God is truly faithful.  

Friday, August 22, 2014

Sam surfing 3

Sam surfing 2

Sam surfing 1

4 Sam's project

Prayer Warriors

Testimony by Troy

Serving God Brings Me Joy

My expectations for this trip was a little bit both ways. I was excited to go, but at the same time I was a little bit hesitant about the all the ministries that we were going to do. We had to go to places like Skidrow and thoughts in my mind about drive-by-shootings and other bad things were flowing in my head. Before the trip I never served for the joy of serving God before other than Levites, but now my mission is accomplished. I helped move furniture, painted walls,gave food to the homeless and poor, and even babysitted kids, but it was all worth it because we made not only the people happy, but also God happy. Before this trip although I kind of still had that spark for God after going to the Legacy camp, I felt that I still needed to prove myself to God and get closer to him. I have only been to collide for about a month or so, but hopefully after this trip and when school starts I will still be able to go unlike last year.
What impacted me the most on this trip was the food truck and the worship seasons that we had on both Tuesday and Thursday. First off, the food truck was just a great experience overall. It showed me how fortunate we are that we are allowed to afford to go to a great school and have food on the table everyday. I realized that when I saw so many people lining up to get food. Many of them actually came around and got seconds and some of them even took two out of my hand even though they were only suppose to have one. Towards the end of our first stop, there was even a lady that took three bags from me and that's when a lot of them started to plead and get an extra bag. I learned when you serve for God, although you feel tired on the outside, you still feel spiritually filled on the inside. Although there were so many other ministries, the second thing that stuck out to me was the worship. The men's ministry worship on Saturday reminded me of the worship from the Legacy camp; everybody sang with all their hearts and it was super loud. I learned that I don't only have to have a joy of serving God, but also joy of worshipping God.
Because of the food truck, when I get home I will appreciate whatever it my mom buys and makes at home. I have to learn to appreciate going to a great school even though sometimes it may get hard. When I get home and when we go to church or collide I will just worship to The Lord even harder than when I got back from the legacy camp. But most importantly I have to do all these things not because I have to, but because I love doing it.

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DC testimony by Jake

God's Plan

Prior to this mission trip people living in poverty didn't really mean much to me. I was selfish towards my family when they called me to do something. I didn't know what to expect on this trip, but I knew we were going to work hard and serve God. Before this trip my feelings were up in the air. Most of the days I couldn't wait to go. But two days before we were supposed to leave my doctor believed I had a broken thumb and he said I couldn't go on this mission trip. When I heard that news I had so many thoughts in my head. I was confused, distressed, and asking God, why did it have to happen to me. But luckily as we were leaving the doctors he called me back in to do more tests. After he examined me, he told me it was just a bad sprain and I could go on the trip and to that I was very relived. I left the doctors office with a much better result. In my mind I knew I had to make this trip count.
During this mission trip we did many activities that helped people. One of the activities that impacted me was working with the kids. It was really amazing how just the little things put on a smile on the kids face. When we first got there many of the kids were crying, screaming, and not listening to the workers there. We had to play with them, watch the kids and feed them. Some of the small things we did that made a difference in their lives were giving them a high five when they did something good. Or helping build blocks. All of these things put big smiles on their faces. When I fed one of the kids, he was a rascal and didn't want to eat. He went as far as biting my finger. Then we went outside and made some play dough. We had to make sure that they didn't take more then they needed to and didn't make a mess. They were always hanging around one of us. This showed me that they needed attention and didn't get much of it. We then finished talking to the parents of the kids.
Overall this trip was a very humbling experience. I have learned that it's not about me, it's about serving God. This trip made me really think how lucky we are as kids to have the things today. We are so fortunate that are parents can provide for us unlike the parents at the dream center who live there. We are able to get an incredible education. I am also fortunate for a hot meal everyday and a roof over my head. Before this trip my parents always told me how fortunate I am I usually said yes and brushed it off. But now I truly do understand how uniquely fortunate I am.

DC testimony Jonah Miyazawa

My Passion for The Lord

My name is Jonah Miyazawa and I go to Christ Centered Community Church. I have been raised in a Christian family from when I was born. I have been attending Collide for about 3-4 months and I enjoy it because it brings me closer to The Lord. Going to Collide really took me to another level in my faith. I have gone on a mission trip the Dominican Republic when I was in the Third Grade. Even though I wasn't as close to The Lord, that was an amazing experience to know how the Dominicans live in such poverty and no one to ask for prayer. I would say my relationship with The Lord then was way different now. Coming into this trip I really didn't know what kind of things we were going to do, but it turned out to be really fun. I expected to kind of blow through the trip and do easy tasks. But I thought wrong. I even thought just talking to people in need and random strangers was gonna be easy. When I wanted to talk to someone or pray for someone it was kind of hard going up to somebody.

The first thing that impacted me was probably the worship during mens ministry on Tuesday night. I have never seen anyone so passionate in worship and that has changed the way I'm gonna act from now on in any church that I go to. God really touched my heart during that service. Secondly the food truck really impacted me. This really showed how much people are in need. Helping people feels good because that's Gods plan. It was an amazing experience working with the Dream Center Staff. This shows how much we have to appreciate what we have because we take for granted what we eat and what kind of clothing etc.

Overall this Dream Center experience has had such a huge impact on my life with my faith in God. Like I said in the first paragraph I took a big leap of faith going on this trip. Going home now I will take more time out of my day to spend time with God (Devos and Prayer). My passion for God has changed drastically because of this trip.

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S. Matthew 12:35 a good man brings good things out of the good stored in him, an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored in him

O. This scripture says that unless you are not filled with good you will not be able to show to other people good, because you have not experienced it yourself. So if you tend to feed yourself with evil the odds of you spreading evil are high

A. I can apply this to my life my surrounding myself with good people and things because the I can spread the positive vibe to others. I should also try to do anything evil that prevents god from getting into my life.

P. Dear, lord thank you for this day that we get to serve you at the dream center and put you first. I ask that you will help me to fill my self with good and not evil. I hope you bless this day that we make a difference in someone's life today. Amen

Jordan's Devos

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Samuel Wheeler

A New Experience

I grew up in a Christian family and heard about the bible but I wasn't really a strong one. Like I wouldn't really sing during worship and things like that. It wasn't till I joined collide that I really felt God's presence in me. I could somehow just understand God's word better. Coming into this trip I was really excited because I had never been on a mission trip before. I Honestly didn't know what to expect. I was ready for anything. I knew that I would be helping people that were less fortunate, but I just didn't know in what ways. So when I got here it was a great surprise.

Even though we experienced a lot there was one thing that stuck out to me the most. If there is one thing that a lot of people take for granted is how fortunate and lucky we are. Me personally I take for granted how lucky I am to always have food on the table. The experience that was a life changer was when we were working the food truck. At first I thought we were just going to pass out food to people who didn't want to go to get food at the store and homeless people. My first assumption was that these people didn't look too poor. When I was passing out food even though squash isn't a very popular thing nobody really seemed to pass it up. When we were almost out of food a huge herd of Korean ladies charged me for the last couple bags. That moment of desperation made me realize how fortunate I am to not have to fight for my food for the week. I felt a need to give to all of them but there wasn't any bags left. That is something hard about serving. I felt guilty that everybody didn't get.

From the experience that I had, I realized that food is precious and we should not waste it. So when I go back home I will try to not waste my food that I am given and try to help people who can't get food for themselves . I'm not sure how much community service I will be doing when I come home but I will defiantly do my part to help people in need because of what I learned here at the DreamCenter. I learned that nothing is to little. Even if I'm just not wasting food or things like that I am making a difference. I will also appreciate my parents more for working hard and giving me this life that I have.

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Psalm 50:9-12 NIV

[9] I have no need of a bull from your stall or of goats from your pens, [10] for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. [11] I know every bird in the mountains, and the insects in the fields are mine. [12] If I were hungry I would not tell you, for the world is mine, and all that is in it.

The people of Israel frequently sacrificed animals as burnt offerings to The Lord, ranging from a male bull to a lamb, goat, pigeon, or turtle dove. The reasoning for these offerings ranged from peace offerings, to repentance offerings, to even meal offerings. Through this scripture God points out how Israel was never in shortage of material sacrifices, but became set on the notion that these sacrifices were of most importance as if to think that God was dependent on them.

With so many offerings and reasons of sacrifice it's a wonder how Israel didn't strive for a more simplistic approach to pleasing God. As if He already knew our hearts and tendencies towards simplicity in everything we do today, the ability to follow God has been made simple through Jesus. The word says that whoever believes in the Son shall not perish and have everlasting life, thus being made righteous. No more burnt offerings, no more rituals, just simply believing and following Jesus.

Someone spoke of this yesterday during the debrief meeting at the dream center, but if there's one thing that stood out to me this past week, it's the simplicity that comes with loving others and being vessels for the Holy Spirit to move. From simply passing out food from a street corner and saying 'God bless you', to praying 30 seconds for a stranger, the Holy Spirit has definitely shown up in the simplest of tasks. I've struggled with this before, but it's time I simply trust God in all of my circumstances and let go of expectations. I've learned this past week that while my expectations would have me preach a 20-30 minute sermon or pray several minutes to let the Holy Spirit move, Jesus can just as effectively use a 5 minute sermon or 20 second prayer.

Dear Lord thank you for opening my eyes to how simple you've made the path to following in your ministry; to love on others and share your word. With two days left at the Dream Center help me to maximize the time and opportunities I have to be your hands and feet. Reveal to me other hidden expectations that I may currently have about what it means to be your disciple, and help make it simple.

Brandon 8/22

Justin devos

Matthew 12:19 NIV

[19] He will not quarrel or cry out; no one will hear his voice in the streets.

This is God describing His chosen servant being Jesus. God said he will put His spirit in him and he will bring justice and truth to the nations. But through this time, Jesus will not boast or argue because there is no one other to please other than The Lord. I feel like this is very much a message for us, Gods young disciples or the upcoming generation. It's teaching us to be humble and filled with humility. When we do something good we have to realize God is pleased and no one else has to know anything about it. In victory, we need to stay humble and not boast because all of the glory is going to God and no one else. Sometimes when we do something awesome, we want to tell everyone about it, but God wants "no one in the streets to hear our voice" or in other words just to keep our words to ourselves and keep our mouths shut. 

I will apply this to my life by just practicing to become a more humble person. I need to realize that no one needs to know about a victory except for God, the very one who put us on this earth to do His heavenly work. I will work at being more humble through victory, and more gracious through defeat. No one needs to hear about our victories, because there is no thing we owe more than Jesus for giving his life on that cross for our sins. 

Dear god, 

Thank you for bringing me hear and opening up my heart on this trip. I have learned so much lord and will treasure this knowledge forever. You have made me bold and allowed me to do things I didn't think possible which just proves you are an AWESOME God who loves and cares for us. Please help me to be more humble and gracious in my wins and losses. There is no one I rather please than you. In Jesus name I pray amen. 


Samuel wheeler

Matthew 12:43-44
When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. The it says it will to the house I left. When it arrives it finds the place unoccupied swept clean and put in order

When a demon leaves you can put your life back together and get clean of your demons. And when the demon comes back he will have no place to go because you have Jesus looking out for you.

I will never let a demon overcome me but if it happens I know that it will be ok because I have Jesus looking out for me and protecting me from any harm that the demons can do to me.

Dear lord thank you so much for today. I have had an amazing time so far serving you and helping out the people in need. I can't wait for what else you have in store for is next. In Jesus name we pray Amen.

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Psalm: 15 Matthew 11,12,13

Psalm 50: 18-21

When you see a thief, you join him; you throw in a lot with adulterers. You use your mouth for evil and harness your tongue to deceit. You sit and testify against your brother and slander your mother's son. When you did these things and I kept silent, you thought I was exactly like you.

This scripture is saying we only do these things or we think it is okay that we does these things because you think to yourself that everybody sins and it's fine if you only do it once, but sometimes you can get addicted to it and it might get out of hand. The last part talks about Jesus keeping silent and that is because he is disappointed in us when we do those things and he knows that we know that it's bad

I will apply this to my life by trying my hardest to try and not do these things by keeping this scripture in mind. But it ain't that easy because many people do bad things like rape, robbery,drugs, and etc. because of curiosity, desperation, anger, depression etc.

Dear god,
I just pray that you give me the strength and wisdom to know the wrong from right. And I just pray that if I do start walking down the wrong path that you pull me right back on the path to Christ. I pray that we have a wonderful day and finish off our mission trip strong. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Troy Hanaoka

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Jonah Miyazawa #2

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Expectant for their double double and shake

One Team for Jesus

Stepping out...after service, Troy feels led to pray for a man upfront. No questions asked, we follow and support his obedience. #miracleshappentoday

He is worthy of our Praise!


Cleaned up for church #whosegotthegel

Seeing beyond their circumstances

Take out the pallets, unload the food boxes, pack the food in baggies, tear up the boxes, ready to go! #gotthedrill

For Sam's project :)

Boys worked hard

Food truck in the afternoon

Construction help...don't worry the scaffolding was just a prop :)

Hana hou with the rest of the team!!

P Matt (founder of the DC) dropped by to chk out the opening of this new building for foster youth over 18 years old

Our yamaka's - nah construction duty this morning. Praying no more painting.

After service snack!! #welldeserved

Boys stoked #homebase

Justin DC testimony

Taking a Leap of Faith

     Hello everyone My name is Justin and I attend C4 or Christ centered community church on the island of Oahu in the state of Hawaii. I am fifteen years old and have had the privilege of knowing God for the most of my life. Growing up in a Christian based home along with your dad being a pastor resulted in a pretty easy and simple childhood for me. I went to church ever since birth so I always knew about Jesus. But just knowing who Jesus is, is definitely not as good as having that awesome and strong relationship with The Lord that everyone desires. God has drastically changed my life in many ways. One being in my decision making, because of my relationship with Him, my faith can guide me into going down the right path when facing hard decisions and temptation. My first big step into becoming this really God loving person was going to our church's annual high school camp on the big island of Hawaii. That was just the point where I realized how much more God had in store for me. He revealed to me how large and great his plans were for me, because before I was only looking at my life and the plans according to me through this little, tiny wormhole. But my largest leap of faith in my 15 years have had to be deciding to go on this Dream Center mission trip with my small group. Learning how awesome this place was from friends and family got me pretty hyped and excited for the trip. When we got here on Monday, I was really really nervous because I didn't know what to expect. Then I found out we would be praying for people, something I've never done before, which was even more nerve racking for me. I really didn't know what was going to happen on this trip, but I just wanted to release my heart unto The Lord and trust that he will change me in a miraculous way.

     These past four days of ministry and serving were very eye opening to me. I'm a small private school kid who is oblivious to the world around me. I really had no experiences of seeing the poverty in the world until working the food trucks and feeding the hungry. I also didn't know how hard work it is to paint rooms and move furniture because of my lack of experience doing these tough labor jobs. These ministries have taught me not to just look at others thinking they're "poor or people who don't matter because I'm better than them," but rather looking at them as an equal, or a brother or sister in Christ. My time praying over people was also a life changing time in my walk with The Lord. Even though I was nervous, God made me bold to really speak from my heart and pour confidence and life into these people I prayed over. The things I did here really changed me. The ministries allowed me to really open my heart and soak in everything I was witnessing.

     Every place I served this week, I learned something, whether it was to appreciate everything you have and be grateful or maybe it was just that hard work is a very important key to success. The dream center has changed my life permanently. I learned so much here and I plan to use that knowledge and experience back at home. I am just so grateful for being able to be apart of these ministries to further gods kingdom and spread his steadfast love.

Jordan's Testimony

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Jeremiah 2:23
If you forgive anyone's sins their sins are forgiven if you don't forgive them they are not forgiven.

This stuck out to me because this is a really important scripture to remember when it comes to forgiving people. It's is saying that in order for your sins to be forgiven you must first forgive or the sins will not be forgiven.

I will remember this verse when I am in a moment when I need to forgive someone because everybody sins. I should love the person hate the sin.

Dear Heavenly Father thank you for this chance to go on this mission trip and serve the people of the Los Angeles district. Thanks you for keeping us all safe on the flight. I pray that we just touch the lives of a lot of people and do well. In Jesus name we pray Amen.

Sam Wheeler

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Psalm 67, Matthew 8,9

Matthew 8: 2-3, 14-16

A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy.

When Jesus came into Peter's house, he saw Peter's mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever. He touched her hand and the fever left her, and she got up and began to wait on him. Hen evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick

These are just three of the many acts of God's power of healing described in this book. It shows how great God is and how much he loves us because he wants us to live and prosper to spread his word, especially those who experienced God's healing first hand

I am hoping to apply this to my life by maybe sometime sooner or later that God will use me as one of his healers. Through the power of him that I can go around and heal some people and see all the miracles and how great and powerful he is.

Dear God,
I pray that you not only help me to give me the gift of healing, but I also pray that you help me cleanse my self as well. I just pray that we have a great day and that you watch over everybody. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Troy Hanaoka

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They ate 6 bags of this...


Jonah Miyazawa


Jeremiah 45,46 psalms 25 John 21

S. Psalms 26:20 guard my life and rescue me do not I let me to put shame on you, for I take refuge for you

O. This scripture is asking god to make sure you stay on the right path he made for you. It also talks about how if you do go off his path you are asking him to bring you back.

A. I can apply this to my life by trying to stay on his path that he made for me. Also by not complaining when I am going through a hard time because I know that it is god who is wanting me to do the right think that puts him first.

P. Dear lord, thank you for this day that we can just serve you by helping clean up sidewalks and painting walls. I pray that you will keep everyone healthy. I ask that you help me to stay on your path and put you first. Amen.

Jake Kaneda


Laundry time!!! Where did all these clothes come from?

that's what happens when you wear a Seahawks shirt

Lotsa bm...we are on our second roll in 2 days! #tooclosetodabenjo

c4 Hawaii has a good brand...ptl

More Grateful to eat sushi

Boys are grateful that we get to CHOOSE our own groceries